
Privacy Policy & Terms

GCN Publishing takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy.

What this Privacy Policy Covers
This Privacy Policy specifically covers GCN’s treatment of personally identifiable information that GCN collects from this Web site and in response to mailings and subscription solicitations that are undertaken from time to time. This policy does not apply to confidential information gathered in the course of providing services to our clients, as that information is proprietary to GCN and its customers and will always be treated as such.

Information Collection and Use
In some circumstances, GCN may request information from you, like your name, e-mail address, company name or telephone number, in exchange for providing you with certain information and/or content. Your response to these inquiries is strictly voluntary. We also offer an appropriate “opt-out” mechanism to unsubscribe to our electronic services should you change your mind at a later date.

Disclosure to Third Parties
We receive information about consumers from third parties to enable targeted advertising on the website(s) and application(s) that we support. The collection and use of that data is governed by the privacy policy and legal terms of the data collector and the website using the data; it is not governed by GCN. GCN may share your information with our advertising partners, who can alert you about new products and services to improve your competitive edge. If you receive unwanted marketing materials from any of our advertising partners, please let them know that you wish to be removed from their contact list. GCN’s current policy is that it will not sell such information to third parties.

Terms of Service
GCN’s Web site content is provided “as is,” without any warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied. GCN assumes no legal liabilities associated with the use of its Web site or their content.

The laws of New York State apply to these Terms of Service, no matter where this Web site is viewed.

The content displayed on our Web site is the property of GCN Media Services, and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. To request permission for posting an article on another site, contact the Executive Producer. Please detail the reason, and specify the URL of the site where the article will be posted. GCN’s Web site provides hyperlinks to external sites for the convenience of our visitors and advertisers. Providing such hyperlinks doesn’t imply that GCN endorses the content or operation of external sites. In addition, the reader is advised that those other sites may have privacy policies that are different from the one detailed here.

GCN reserves the right to change, modify or update this statement at any time without notice.