Event Exclusive

ONEcount’s Bold Minds Event Insights Exclusive

ONEcount Co-Founder and Bold Minds host Joanne Persico sits down with Freeman Company‘s Ken Holsinger as he shares key findings from Freeman’s 2024 Trends Report (with a focus on Attendee Intent & Behavior).

“Event success relies on more than attendance alone, and there is no one-size-fits-all event strategy,” said Ken Holsinger, Freeman’s Senior Vice President of Strategy. “It’s essential for event planners and exhibitors everywhere to be more intentional by taking a closer look at who attendees are, what they want, and how to meet their needs.”

WATCH THE RECORDING:  https://one-count.zoom.us/rec/share/SpxHulHKKjeestOJn3dhzsazPXXo98oRIys1wJNQGtAgcqJTnImd7gO3h8ncYaPR.0NyeuW9LF9SP9bWk?startTime=1710972088000
Passcode: Q7dWJz2=


Ken highlights the four key components for planners to adopt in meeting the new needs of attendees:

▶︎ Personalization: Now that AI enables personalization at scale, it’s up to event planners to incorporate personalized experiences like curated agendas, persona-based wayfinding, and interest-driven meetups.

▶︎ Objective-based measurement: Look at who attends your events, discern how they’re different, and calibrate your strategy and measurement methods to deliver an attendee-centric event.

▶︎ Content: Know what attendees need so you can deliver the right content at the right time to help them achieve their goals.

▶︎ Change: We must always keep a pulse on our social and economic landscape when planning.

TIME: Every Wednesday, 5:30pm-7:00pm ET/3pm PT
WHERE: By Zoom

To request an invite for ONEcount’s Bold Minds Weekly Think Tank, please email: joanne@one-count.com